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Studio Work 


I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Madagascar from 2008 - 2010.  During that time, I lived in a rural village, learning the Malagasy language in order to make friends, so I could begin meaningful work with the community.  These paintings are inspired by the individuals who became my family, and the land that became a second home. 


During my second year of Peace Corps in Madagascar, I read many books with strong and/or complicated female protagonists.  I began my “Literary Heroines” series, painting these women as I pictured them while reading the books.  One day, while working out of town, I received word that a bush fire had rolled through my village and burned my little house, along with my paintings, to the ground.  After completing my service and returning home in 2010, I began to re-create the lost works, which became this series you see here today.  Though a hard loss at the time, I think the pieces turned out to be more successful when painted for the second time. 



The series of paintings presented here are a reflection of the connection with the natural places left on earth, and the desire to conserve them.  I aimed to expose my feelings about global warming, overpopulation, rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, over-consumption and the strain humans are putting on the earth.  The solutions, like the problems, are complicated.  However, the more we learn, the more we can hope to turn things around.

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